Research Areas: Teresa Head-Gordon Lab

Invited Lectures

  1. T. Head-Gordon. RESOLV Colloquium, Ruhr University. Bochum, Germany. October 25, 2017. “The Role of Interfaces for Water and Binary Systems under Confinement”
  2. T. Head-Gordon. WATOC 2017. Munich, Germany. August 27 – September 1, 2017. “New Methods and Models for Condensed Phase Simulations”
  3. T. Head-Gordon. American Conference on Theoretical Chemistry (ACTC). Boston, Massachusetts. July 16 – 21, 2017. “Computational Methods and Models for Condensed Phase Simulation”
  4. T. Head-Gordon. ACS PHYS: Long Range Correlated Motions in Proteins. San Francisco, California. April 2-6, 2017. “The Role of Statistical Fluctuations and Electrostatics in the Improvements of De Novo Enzyme Catalysis”
  5. T. Head-Gordon. Annual EMLG-JMLG Meeting. Chania, Crete, Greece. September 11 – 16, 2016. “Polarizable Force Fields for Condensed Phase Simulation”
  6. T. Head-Gordon. CECAM: Beyond point charges: novel electrostatic developments in force fields. Lausanne, Switzerland. April 3-7, 2016. “Advanced Potential Energy Surfaces for Condensed Phase Simulation”
  7. T. Head-Gordon. German Bunsen-Society for Physical Chemistry, Bunsentagung 2015. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. May 14-16, 2015 “Advanced Potential Energy Surfaces for Solvation”
  8. T. Head-Gordon. Frontiers in Materials Science Lecture Series. Pacific Northwest National Laboratories. Jan. 26, 2015. “Advanced Potential Energy Surfaces for Condensed Phase Simulation”